Places now available for our courses, on Saturday Feb 8th 2025 1-6 pm, and Sunday March 2nd 1-6pm. Book now for £100, making 4 different sourdough breads by hand, to take home.

Thursday, 30 January 2014

Buying our bread

We are now concentrating on selling bread through direct orders as well as through Palms in West Kirby, and the West Kirby Farmers Market.
If you want to buy our bread, you can order direct either:
bread for collection 
on a Saturday morning in West Kirby
in batches of 6, by agreement (suitable for people with a bit of freezer space)

contact us at and we can let you know what we are making, and the prices.

Only at West Kirby Farmers Market you will get a full range including our walnut bread, baguettes (ancienne) and new items like the chelsea buns in January.

All slow overnight sourdoughs handmade for you.
New line at the WK Farmers Market - the slow Chelsea Bun! They were all snapped up first thing. Maybe we can put them on the list for the our new Follow-Up class later in the year, in development at the moment.