Places now available for our courses, on Saturday Feb 8th 2025 1-6 pm, and Sunday March 2nd 1-6pm. Book now for £100, making 4 different sourdough breads by hand, to take home.

Our sourdough starter

We started our own wheat sourdough culture in 1993 and it is in constant use today - and we also have Russian rye and SanFrancisco cultures in regular use.
Sourdough starters are pretty easy to get going, if you don't bother with any whacky suggestions in recipe books, but just use whole wheat or rye flour mixed with warm water.
Not everyone wants to start their own, but would still like to bake a sourdough loaf.
You can buy a dried Little Eye starter, with full instructions to make your first loaf, for £5 plus postage - this could last you another 21 years and more, if you enjoy the sourdough process.
You don't need any equipment to make your first loaf.
All our sourdough is made and dried on the premises from nothing more than our starter culture, organic wholegrain flour and water.
Mail us at  and we will send you info to purchase your starter.

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