Places now available for our courses, on Saturday Feb 8th 2025 1-6 pm, and Sunday March 2nd 1-6pm. Book now for £100, making 4 different sourdough breads by hand, to take home.

Thursday, 22 November 2012

The first West Kirby Farmers Market on Saturday 24th

we will be there - with 11 different sourdough loaves, a new banner, and a great bunch of producers. More info on .
What will the good citizens of West Kirby make of it? How will it compare with Morrisons and Aldi. Will it hit local shops or attract more shoppers?
Time will tell - we will report next week

Baker in Residence, Homebaked Anfield

Little Eye baker Malcolm Williams has been appointed Baker in Residence by the Liverpool Biennial, at the Home-Baked project. 

 The project aims to set up a new bakery on the site of an old family bakery that closed a few years ago. We will be making bread with volunteers and local residents, working with the Liverpool Community College to develop skills and some new lines of production - and as Real Bread bakers, Little Eye will be pushing hard to keep the quality up when the realities of selling for a living bite home. More info to follow, and on Twitter in weeks to come