Places now available for our courses, on Saturday Feb 8th 2025 1-6 pm, and Sunday March 2nd 1-6pm. Book now for £100, making 4 different sourdough breads by hand, to take home.

Thursday, 26 November 2020

 We are still running our 'click and collect' bakery for local people weekly. Malcolm is an organiser of the West Kirby Farmers Market, and we have got that up and running again, outdoors, with November and December markets confirmed ( ).

In November we ran our "lockdown sourdough bread class", with a new set up to meet covid requirements. It went off well, and while not quite as co-operative as before, there was still plenty of spontaneous interaction and conversation. New courses are running on Feb 20th and April 10th.

Our loaves from last weeks click & collect:

A 100% rye with chopped grain; a wholewheat with oatmeal; a seeded light wheat mix; a white baguette