Places now available for our courses, on Saturday Feb 8th 2025 1-6 pm, and Sunday March 2nd 1-6pm. Book now for £100, making 4 different sourdough breads by hand, to take home.

Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Pannetone Time!

As the days draw in, I find myself thinking about parkin, stollen, malt loaf and pannetone - all of which I make here from a sourdough starter.
This year I am renewing my pannetone recipe, using two trial recipes, over the next 24 hours. You'll see below the stages, from sponge, to dough, to bake
Here are the first steps;
1. A splodge of starter
2. +flour, eggs, butter, sugar and water

3. + water -A squelchy sponge

 Then leave for 12 hours. We'll see what it's like tonight.

The dough made up and in the baking case
The dough risen after 12 hours at room temperature
The one on the right is the same one shown above, so a good oven lift - what will it be like inside?
Hooray! a lovely sponge....